Brace yourselves minions! I have the most exciting news that you will ever hear in your pathetic little lives. I now have a listing on Niteflirt for Worship Cam! Pick your jaw's up from the floor and PAY ATTENTION! Even though I have made this listing and all I have to do is turn it on so that you get the divine chance of calling it, there is something that you dorks need to do first. My webcam on My laptop is not the stunning quality that I want. Therefore you all now have a task! I want a new webcam and it just so happens that I have picked out the perfect webcam for My new listing!
your task is to buy it minions! It's really quite simple, start sending gift cards to:
And when I have enough of My pets money to buy it I will! But let's make this interesting .... the good boy that sends the whole amount $167.80 plus shipping get's a prize! And not just any prize! you will get the very first cam session with the new webcam with Me for a very low price! That'll get you motivated, won't it? So start sending in those gift cards minions and let's see which one of you will step up and start spending all your hard earned money on seeing Me in HD!